Note Taking
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Apps tagged with "Note Taking"
Organize tabs, take notes, and set reminders while browsing.
🏷️ Productivity, Task Management, Planning, Browser Tools
Cleft Notes
Turn your spoken thoughts into organized notes instantly.
🏷️ AI Powered, Journaling, Productivity, Planning, Audio
Index Cards Notes for Remembering
Create searchable index cards for better learning and organization.
🏷️ Productivity, Focus Tools, Learning
Saner AI
Let AI help you remember and manage information.
🏷️ AI Powered, Productivity, Task Management
Find the Apps That Click With Your ADHD Brain
As someone with ADHD, I know the daily struggles of staying focused and organized. While there's no magic solution, I've discovered that the right apps can make a huge difference in managing ADHD challenges. That's why I created this curated collection of apps that genuinely help with ADHD – tested and reviewed through the lens of someone who understands. Each app here has been selected to address specific ADHD needs, from task management to focus enhancement.